Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tangled=Disney Greatness

Who would have thought that Disney could create, yet another, princess...but they did it with Tangled.

This story, which is loosely based on the story of Rapunzel, is fun, sweet, and really good.  Unlike Disney's last princess story, The Princess and the Frog, Tangled is based in pure fairytale and I think that's what I really liked about it (and disliked about The Princess and the Frog).  Maybe I liked it so much because it is similar to the old Disney princess films, but with a modern twist--like the princess is a strong woman, and doesn't need to be rescued.

Tangled is a must see!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Last weekend I watched the first two Narnia films to get ready for the new installment that opened Friday.  I am really glad that I did, as there was one part, at the beginning of Dawn Treader, where Edmund receives something and if I hadn't just watched the films I may have forgotten why he was given that.  So I do highly suggest that you see the first two again, before seeing the new film.

I haven't read these books, so I can't tell you how well it follows that story.  I can tell you that this film is pretty good, especially if you enjoyed the first two--though Prince Caspian is widely disliked, I honestly liked it more than the first--I think the final battle scene is pretty awesome.  This film is very different than the first two, really.  The entire story takes place at sea.  The plot is a quest to find 7 swords.  I will be honest, I found it rushed in some parts, but alas, I understand, as they have to fit the story into an allotted amount of time.

Edmund and Lucy return to Narnia, without Susan and Peter (who make extremely brief appearances in the film--though I understand it's a part of the story that they aren't in it, it was like they were missing from the adventure).  The fall up into the ocean, and are met by the Dawn Treader.  Their mission is to help to find the swords and get them to Aslan's table before evil takes over, or I should say the evil green mist.

We are introduced to a brat cousin of Edmund and Lucy's that ends up accidentally, on purpose, following them to Narnia.  At first, he really was annoying, and the fellow playing him, did a great job of making him that way, but then he becomes a hero (I will not tell you how, as it will ruin it for you, if you don't know the story--which happened to me), and somewhat likable.

There are a few returning characters: Reepicheep, the Head Mouse of Narnia, who is a delight on the screen and Prince, now King, Caspian, who seems to have changed his accent from Spanish to British--interesting--though I was disappointed that the Caspian character is rather flat in this film.

I guess that with never reading the books, or following the media around the films, I never really realized all the Christian undertones in this series.  Yes, I get it in the first film, Aslan sacrificed himself for the sinner, and then was resurrected--but I never put the pieces together (I must be slow minded, or the first movie was so well done it wasn't obvious).  But in this film's ending, it's kinda thrown at you, and frankly, it caught me off guard, and it pulled me out of the fantasy of the film, so that was a disappointment.  Yet, then again, knowing this now, it answers the question of why Aslan doesn't just fix the problems of Narnia himself...the "people" of the world must learn their lessons as they live their lives.

Overall, Dawn Treader is a great fantasy, adventure film; and I really hope that they continue to make the rest of the series (though first Disney dropped it, and now I've heard that Fox has too)...though I am saddened that since Edmund and Lucy have now learned their lessons, they will not be returning to Narnia, like their older siblings.  I know that's part of the story of the book, but honestly, I don't like it.  I have grown to love Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy...I would like to see what happens to them.  Though in the last scene of the film, we do hear a bit of an epilogue about them, I feel that it won't be the same without them.

This is a definite see, especially if you are a Narnia film fan...but honestly, there is no need to waste the extra money for 3D...don't see a lot of 3D in it; plus it wasn't filmed in 3D, it was added afterward with the CGI. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Episode 13: The Coming of Arthur Pt. 2--The Series Finale

After last week's episode of Merlin, I have been chomping at the bit to see the happenings of this week.  Just the preview got me pumped--Arthur's Knights of the Round Table coming together (including the return of Lancelot), Excalibur, The Lady of the Lake, the actual Round Table...WOW!!!  Oh and maybe the end of Morgana's evil smirks...since everyone knows she's a baddie now!

When we last saw Camelot, Morgause and Morgana used Cenred to create an invincible army--too bad he wasn't invincible.  Camelot had no chance.  Arthur, Merlin, and Gwaine (future knight of the Round Table, and friend of Merlin's) were left for dead, in the forest, by said army.  When they return to Camelot, they find that the town is over run.  They find Elyan (future knight of the Round Table, and Gwen's brother) in Gwen's house; she btw, has stated her loyalty to Morgana, but by the look on her face, it was just to survive.  They also find Gaius, hiding out in the closet of his chambers.  When they find King Uther, Arthur watches as Morgana is crowned queen, and announces her father is no other than Uther!  Good thing Arthur and Morgana never hooked up!

Here are my thoughts about part 2 (OMG, I'm so excited!):

- The suspense of the first moments is high!  I love Sir Leon (future knight of the Round Table)..."Long live the King!" so ready to stand for what he believes--and man has he been loyal through all 3 series.  Here Morgana truly shows she cares not for her people, but only the power that being Queen holds! 

- You can almost see Uther's heart breaking as Morgana tells him how much she hates him.

-Arthur looks lost and beaten down...poor guy, he's lost everything and on top of that, finding out that his dad has lied to him his whole life, again, and that he has a sister, who is also turned against the family.

-What does Gwen have up her sleeve??  Love that she is telling Morgana how she hates Uther because he killed her father, in order to meet with Sir Leon to convince him to support her...Go Gwen!

-Uh, no...maybe not...And again we see that Morgana has no heart at all, and she could careless about anyone else--even those that once stood by her side!  This is a flaw, I feel, I understand her coldness to Uther, but to all the other people that she grew up with and had been around her entire life??  There is nothing of the Morgana that was once there.  As much as I love the storyline here, I feel like this is rather unbelieveable.

-At this point, why isn't Merlin showing Arthur and Gwaine that he has magic?!  Wouldn't it help in this fight?!  It's not like Uther will have him killed now!

-Remember, Gwen's dad was a blacksmith.

-Freya!!!!  Or should I say the Lady of the Lake, perhaps??

-Man I love when the Great Dragon is on this show!

-Colin Morgan is amazing with showing emotion...I felt all that on the lake with him.

-Purple is a lovely color on Sir Leon! Hehehe!

-Great...we're not done with the Morgana evil smirks :(

-WHOA!!  Merlin with Excalibur can kick some ass!

-LANCELOT!!!!!!  Oh and he's brought a friend, Percival (future Knight of the Round Table) along with him!!

-The Round Table...man, seriously...the legend elements showing up like this is just exciting!  I do like the explanation that Arthur gives of the table...though we all know why it was round (so all are equal, and no man is in charge of the other), it's good to see Arthur becoming the King Arthur of the legends.

-Wow, to the scene where they all stand up to support Arthur, touching, really.  You can see the Knights of the Round Table coming together to become the grandness that we all know they will be.

-Tearing up to the knighting scene...rather powerful!

-Love that Lancelot knows Merlin's secret, and all he's done for Camelot.

-Aww...poor Lancelot.

-Loving the plan, the fighting, all of it!  Well, except that Merlin is the only one that can kill these immortal soldiers...so why can't he tell the others?  Why do they split up and not stay together, and put Merlin and Excalibur in the forefront of the fighting, so that they can win?

-Uther is a broken man.

-Why is Morgause SO much more powerful than Merlin?  Time?  Practice?

-"For the love of Camelot"  Go Arthur!

-Love seeing the Knights (most once commoners) riding into the courtyard with their flowing cloaks!

-Powerful to see Merlin put the sword in the stone!

WOW!!!  One of the best episodes!  I cannot wait to see what happens next season...so much has been set up to align with the legends!  Plus, with Merlin and Gaius chatting about how they couldn't find any trace of Morgana or Morgause in the rubble, we know that they will more than likely return to cause more trouble for Camelot--hopefully no more evil Morgana smirks.  Maybe Mordred will make another appearance--though that little boy probably isn't so little anymore!

Torchline.com: Facebook Recaps: The Coming of Arthur Pt. 2

Merlin Series 3 will begin airing in the States on SyFy on Jan. 7th, 2011 at 10p--why it's on so late, I do not know.  Odd really, since it is more of a family show, you'd think they'd get more viewers if it was on at 8p or 9p.  I'm excited because I get to watch this series on a large television screen, as opposed to my laptop screen!  I am guessing that Series 4 will begin airing on BBC sometime in the fall of 2011...there have also been talks of specials and a series 5!  So happy, as I LOVE this show! :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eclipse DVD

On Saturday, December 4th at midnight, people will be flocking to stores to get the most recent movie in the Twilight Saga...

Personally, I was all about the Twilight series when the first film came out.  I saw the movie numerous times (more than I'd like to admit) and was subsequently excited for the 2 films following...yet, that excitement began to diminish after the first film.

Though the 3rd film, Eclipse is arguably the best of the bunch (though it lacked the wonderful campiness that the first film had), so far, I have to say that it coming out on DVD doesn't excite me much at all.  In fact, I find that I feel I have to purchase the DVD so that I can have a complete set of DVDs, not because of the film itself--call it my OCD or something.

I think that after the craziness of the Twilight Saga, it has lost all luster for me.  It is far too hyped!  The cruises, the conventions, the stars pimping themselves out for a buck--though I tip my hat at those that are pimping themselves out for charity, it's all too much.  The stars of Twilight have been everywhere for the past few years (especially Kristen, Rob, and Taylor)--though most, if not all, has not been their fault, it's just overwhelming, and makes me feel bombarded.

Will I purchase a DVD?  Yes, and honestly, since I have 2 (2 different versions) of the first 2, I very well may purchase 2 of the 3rd installment...will I watch it?  Probably not, though if the commentary is anything like the one on Twilight, it will be worth a watch!  Rob and Kristen were hilarious...

**Don't get me started on the Breaking Dawn films...

**And just to make it clear...Harry Potter is a far better book series, film series, and all around story.  It is timeless and magical.  The characters are deep and multidimensional, the story has so many layers it keeps you interested and enthralled throughout.  Yes, I enjoyed the Twilight series, but it's not even close to being comparable to Harry Potter.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Episode 12: The Coming of Arthur Pt 1

With the hype about the final two episodes of this series of Merlin, I am feeling that nothing should be given away...so with that said, I'm going give my thoughts about it after I watch it, but no synopsis, while I watch...you need to watch the final two episodes to find out :)

Ummm...just watched the first moment...and yeah, this is definitely one you have to watch!!  BIG happening right at the start...shocking, really...I don't like it--wait no, it's all good.

Thoughts about part 1:
-Yeah!!  Gwaine is back!!!
-Holy smokes Cenred has a freakin HUGE army! Where did all those people come from??  And they are ALL immortal???  WOW!!
-Morgana giving Gwen a choice, shows she does still care about people, but really, the evil smirks need to stop!
-Yeah!!!  Elyan is back!!!
-OMG!!!  The ending is AWESOME, and I can't wait until next week's conclusion!!!

Torchline.com: Facebook Recap: Merlin 3.12 The Coming of Arthur Part 1

Here is a sneak peek at next week...Lancelot, the Great Dragon, the Round Table, Excalibur, and possibly the Lady of the Lake???  This looks EPIC!!!  This is the stuff I love, finally they are back to it!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Season Finale Trailer

Merlin's Series 3 has had its up and downs, but this finale looks amazing!! It's a 2 part ending to a long drawn out story arch of Morgana's slip into evil--at least I hope that it wraps it up, as it's getting somewhat old (but I still love it)! The first of the two parts airs on Saturday the 27th and the second part on December 4th on BBC One in the UK!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dan is Really Harry, Who's Playing Dan, Who's Playing Harry

This is a hilarious video posted on Funny or Die.  Daniel Radcliffe reveals that he IS Harry Potter! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Episode 11: The Sorcerer's Shadow

With the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 this past weekend--including a HP marathon of the first 6 films and then going to see the 7th (for the 2nd time), I found no time to watch this week's Merlin--which ironically, has a guest star that is in the HP films.  I was saddened that Harry Melling (who plays Dudley Dursley, Harry's not so lovely cousin) was all but left out of the film--see my previous post about my thoughts on that...but at least we can see him here, and I have to say, he is no longer Dudley!


The first scene introduces us to Gilli (Harry Melling), who is traveling through the forest, and meets 2 bandits who torment him, especially after he tells them he's heading to Camelot to fight in the tournament.  I must say here, the way that they are tormenting him, it just makes me think, there, now you know how poor Harry felt for all those years, being tormented by you...but I then have to remind myself these are 2 different franchises, and he is not playing Dudley Dursley!  Back to the show...

The bandits take his sword, and when they don't return it when he asks, he tries his hardest to fight them, but he's thrown to the ground, and they are off with his sword.  He then rummages through his bag and pulls out a ring.  On goody, we've moved away from magic bracelets to rings!  It glows, and then so do his eyes.  Another sorcerer is coming to Camelot.

Merlin (Colin Morgan) and Arthur (Bradley James) are walking through Camelot, and discussing the tournament, clearly to tell us--this is a tradition in Camelot, every 10 years anyone may sign up to win big money--which brings in some not so lovely people, and any weapon may be used, as there are no rules--though I would bet that magic would be the exception to the, "there are not rules" rule.  And then, the bandits we saw earlier are flinging axes, and Merlin's head barely escapes.

Later as Merlin is working on Arthur's armor, and the bandits come in and one demands that he clean his boots (what an evil fellow), and Merlin actually goes to do it!  When he's not fast enough, the bandit whips him.  At this moment, Gilli makes his entrance, wearing the ring.  He asks the guys nicely to put down the whip, and when they are rude and don't listen, he uses his magic to quickly summon a sword (which no one seemed to notice) and then he fights them briefly, obtaining the whip, and tells them to get out--and they do.  Then it seems that Merlin and Gilli are fast friends as they both know what it's like to be bullied.

At dinner that night, it is clear that Morgana (Katie McGrath) is trying to use reverse psychology to get Uther (Anthony Head) to compete in the tournament and defend his title as 3 time champion, clearly hoping that he won't live to see the following day...her true hope is more than likely that both Uther and Arthur fall in the tournament, then she would be the queen.  To Arthur's horror, Uther falls for Morgana's ploy!

We then are treated to a bunch of fighting, old, old, old school style and also getting to see the faces of the spectators reacting to the fighting.  Interesting enough, but let's get on with it.  Oh, hey, it's Uther, and he won--though by Morgana's face you'd think it was he who fell.  Then it's Arthur's turn, he stands and watches his opponent swinging around the swords, and once he advances, Arthur simply punches him out.  Too funny!

Bandit #1 is up--though he's quickly taken down...but he's evil, so he pulls a knife from his boot, and cuts his opponent, who goes down.  Instead of just taking the win though, he takes an ax and cuts the fellow's neck, WTH??  The audience seems to think the same.

Gilli then walks into the ring, holding only a sword and small shield, with no armor.  He looks utterly outmatched by his large and armored opponent, though he is very good at defense.  Once he gets his bearings, the rings glows, then his eyes, and magic causes his opponent's sword to get stuck in the wood of the stands, then he is able to take him down.  The use of magic wasn't totally obvious, this time...but Merlin looks skeptical.

On his way out of the stadium, Gilli runs into Merlin and Gaius (Richard Wilson), who wants to treat his arm (which was cut in the fight), Gilli covers it up, with his ringed hand, and declines treatment.  This allowed Gaius to see the ring, and we learn that the markings are from the old religion, duh?  And then Gaius reminds us that Uther will have him killed if he finds out...something that has been made very clear in every episode of Merlin to date.

Gilli then goes to put his sword away, and realizes that his arm is a bit more worse off than he thought, so he steps out into the hall and uses the magic of the ring (My Precious) to heal himself.  Alas, he is seen--really, he thought he could hide a massive glow and him screaming while standing in a hallway?  Two guards appear and chase him, in the chase, the ring falls to the ground, which he doesn't notice until he's back at his room in the inn, safe, for a moment.  Then the bells start to toll...Uther will be after him now.

In the hallway, Uther investigates the burn markings (left by Gilli's spell) and determines it had to be sorcery--amazing, this time he's right!  But GaiusUther.  This also gives Gaius the chance to find Gilli's ring, who, once Uther has left, tells Merlin to go and talk to Gilli, "before it's too late."

Merlin goes to visit Gilli, and let's him know that though he need not fear him for the use of magic, he definitely needs to fear Uther.  Gilli doesn't seem to care, or get it.  He says he will not be like his father that possessed magic, but would never use it, even to save himself.  He doesn't go for it, and still will fight.

The next day, we are then treated to more tournament fighting...Uther wins, Arthur loses his helmet, but still takes the win...wait a sec...a thought, if both Uther and Arthur win out, won't they then be forced to fight each other??  That wouldn't be a good thing for Camelot, would it?  Oh hey, look, they are going to fight each other--remember I write this as I go...oh, and Gilli is fighting the evil bandit, who taunts him right before the match.  Maybe not such a good idea.

I'll be honest, I'm kinda bored with this episode, and don't feel like watching anymore of it.  I don't like that we've gotten fully away from the Morgana story arch and this is a stand alone episode.  I like the epic storyline of Arthur finding his destiny, with Merlin's help, despite Morgana.  I love the medieval fighting as much as the next gal, but I feel like we are past that at this point in the series.  I want to see the story that has been set up unfold.  Not some sorcerer of the week step into Camelot and have the same ol' stuff happen.  I'm disappointed in you "Merlin," I expect better.  If you want to find out the rest, watch for yourself, as I am going to quickly watch the rest (another 20 minutes) and move on with my day.

WAIT!  Okay, I may have misspoken, a tiny bit.  Best part of the episode so far is the fight between Uther and Arthur--and of course, Morgana is loving every moment, hoping that they will kill each other.  The last 20 min are FAR better than the first, there is an intense scene between Gilli and Merlin about the use of magic--where Merlin reveals his secret, and Merlin seeks advice from the Great Dragon, and there is a suspenseful fight at the end...you'll have to watch to find out more...it's not a bad episode, it's just not one of the best.

Torchline.com: Facebook Recap: Merlin 3.11: The Sorcerer's Shadow

Looking forward to the final episode of the series, a 2 parter...Looks freakin awesome and back to the greatness that is, Merlin.  Elyan (Gwen's brother, and a known knight of the Round Table) returns!  Here is a sneak peek:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

3 problems with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

It's finally here...WAHOO!!!  I'm not going to go on and on about it, as most people have seen the film already...and I'm sure that most would agree, it was fantastic!! I laughed, I sat on the edge of my seat, and I cried like a baby--all things I expect to do with part 2, as well. It really followed the book well, and set up everything that is needed for part 2, which should be even more amazing!

There are 3 things that I had a bit of an issue with in this film, they are as follows:

1.) Bill Weasley--not once in the first 6 films are we even told about this Weasley older brother. We know Ron, George and Fred, and Jenny; meet Percy along the way; Charlie is mentioned, but Bill is not ever even brought up. In the books, we learn more about the Weasleys than in the films, so we know that there is another older brother, Bill. In HP7.1, Bill arrives with the crew to get Harry out of the Dursley home safely, just like in the book. There is a quick introduction, where he also, in one line explains how he got the scars on his face. It seemed too quick and rushed. He had to be in that scene, as the 7 Potters is a huge part of the 7th book, as is his wedding to Fleur (who just appears again, after not seeing or hearing about her since film #4--and if I didn't know because of the books, or hadn't just seen the other films, I wouldn't have put together who she was), and I'm hoping he will be in the next installment, as a lot happens in his and Fleur's home...but I feel they should have looked ahead to this in the other movies and at least mentioned him, since he is mentioned and in so much of the books when they are at the Burrows.  It seemed odd and just thrown in to me.

2.) Dudley's scene--There is a scene in the book where Dudley (Harry's not so lovely cousin) actually shows that he appreciates that Harry saved his life, and that he has a heart. It would have only been a moment long, but it was left out of the film entirely. We only see Dudley for a brief moment, from the back, complaining about having to leave. I know that it's not a huge moment to drive the story, but I think that it would have been a touching moment between Harry and the only remaining family he has. We watched the Dusleys torment, and pretty much torture poor Harry, but this moment makes you realize that the youngest of this horrid family actually somewhat cares about Harry.

3.) The ending--not the actual ending, really, but the fact that it ended at all! I hate that now I have to wait 8 months to see the end of this epic tale! I know why they split it into 2 movies, and I am glad that they did, because they are able to have so much more detail!

I REALLY want to see it right now!!! Alas, I have no choice but to wait....Bring on July!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Parenthood" Logic

On this week's episode of Parenthood, I was really taken by a line that Adam told his niece:

"Life will knock you down more times than you will ever imagine...don't knock yourself down."

So nicely put!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Episode 10: Queen of Hearts

With having a 4 day weekend, and also fighting a lovely head cold, I almost forgot that Merlin had a new episode this weekend, almost!  When I remembered this afternoon, I found myself rather excited at the thought of seeing this episode!!  Though I will be honest and say that I hope it clears up somethings, and that Morgana is found out.  I am getting rather tired of her sneers behind Arthur and Uther's backs and her getting away with all she has.  Hopefully, now that Gwen knows she's evil, things will start to play out!  In fact, just to see, I'm going to tally the number of evil smirks and sneers that we see from Morgana in this episode.  Let's see what this week has in store, shall we?


It's pretty clear from the start that the first scene has to be some sort of lovely dream sequence.  Gwen (Angel Coulby) is being crowned queen by Arthur (Bradley James), who is wearing the Kings crown, with Merlin (Colin Morgan) and Gaius (Richard Wilson) smiling happily.  Gwen and Arthur definitely have their own soundtrack, every time they are together in a moment of their love.  It's fairly similar to the music in the love moments in Braveheart--I've checked, not the same composer.

Oops, not a lovely dream, but Morgana's nightmare!  I'm not sure why, but I kind of find this funny--maybe it's because I just typed that! LOL!  Anyway, getting off topic here.  When Gwen comes to check on her, she says all is well, and then we see sneer number one, from Morgana (Katie McGrath).

Morgana is lured to a deep part of the castle by her sister Morgause (Emilia Fox) so that they can have a chat.  I'm thinking that when all is said and done, even though Morgana and Morgause are sisters, this won't matter to Morgause when she can have what she's wanting, Camelot--but we shall see, shall we.  Anyway, Morgana tells big sis about her dream of Gwen becoming queen...while doing this she looks like she's in so much pain, like the thought of Gwen having the throne would kill her.  Remember back to our first introduction to Morgause, she gave Morgana a bracelet to help her to sleep, well, it was to stop the premonitions from coming to her in her sleep.  Apparently some are too strong to be stopped by a silly little bracelet, and this is one of them (which we all know is true).  Morgana can't believe that a serving girl would ever become queen, but Morgause cautions her, and then tells her that she must destroy the relationship between Arthur and "this Gwen."  Wait, she acts like she knows nothing of this relationship, yet earlier in the series, she had Gwen's brother kidnapped in order to get Arthur to come to the rescue.  Hmm...a bit of an oversight, I would say.  Oh, goody, there's smirk number 2!

Morgana then goes and confronts Gwen about her feelings for Arthur, trying to play nice, and sympathize with her about having to hide her feelings.  Gwen doesn't seem to fall for it, she also doesn't admit her feelings either.  She quickly removes herself from the room.  Good for you Gwen!

So it didn't work to talk to Gwen, so then she goes to chat with Arthur, who falls right into her plot.  He admits to liking Gwen, as soon as Morgana says that Gwen speaks of him all the time--silly Arthur, acting like a high school boy.  And smirk number 3!  She encourages him to spend some time with Gwen, and that no one needs to know, because he is the future king and can set his own rules.

When told by Merlin that Arthur wants to spend the day with her, Gwen is apprehensive (again, good job, Gwen), but agrees to go anyway.  She then fibs to Morgana about feeling ill so that she could have the next day off.  Morgana agrees, but she clearly knows what's really happening, because we see smirk number 4!

The next day, Merlin takes Gwen out to meet Arthur in the forest.  As Merlin takes his leave, we see that Morgana has followed them...ah, and we see sneer number 5!  As she leaves back to Camelot, and urges Uther (Anthony Head) to go for a ride with her...clearly to take him to see Arthur and his unworthy love having a nice afternoon picnic, so sad, really!

When we do see the lovely picnic that Arthur and Gwen are having, we see the connection they hold, as Arthur shares that he sometimes thinks about leaving Camelot, and how things would be different.  We see a different side to Arthur when he's with Gwen.  The softer, warmer side, the side that would make him the king that he is destined to become.  Aww...right when they are having a lovely romantic moment, and kiss, Uther and Morgana come riding up, and ruin it--well the cat's out of the bag, isn't it?!

Uther's response is not what I expected.  Back at the castle, he walks in, and starts laughing, saying that he was young once too, and has experienced the temptation of serving girls.  Arthur seems relieved, for a moment, but then Uther tells him that he cannot allow it to continue.  With this, Arthur finally stands up to his father, and states he will no longer deny his feelings and that he loves Gwen!  WOW!!!  This is big for Arthur.  Well, Uther can't have that, now can he?!  So he...banishes Gwen from Camelot.  Little harsh, don't you think?!  When Arthur pleads with his father, Uther

Arthur and Merlin talk about what has happened, and Morgana appears, looking so sad, but as Merlin is leaving the room, we see sneer number 6!  Morgana is acting all sympathetic to Arthur, since she heard what has happened.  She asks him what he will do, and he says, he will leave with her.  Aww...so sweet.  I just love him...but I digress.  She acts all concerned, because he would be giving up his right to the throne.  His response..."One day we will return to Camelot together and Guinevere will take her place on the throne beside me."  GO ARTHUR!  Morgana seems taken back by this, unable to respond, tears come to her eyes, and she tries her hardest to smile.

Merlin is really sweet, and honestly cares for people, which we have seen be his downfall in the past.  This time though the love (friendship love, people) he shows Gwen, when she is digesting the fact that she will be leaving everything she's ever known is touching.  This is definitely a fellow that I would want on my side.

Then Morgana puts something, probably magical, under Arthur's pillow...as she drops the pillow back down, we see smirk number 7!  Then she goes to visit Uther, who is very happy to see her.  I know that he's her real dad, but he seems far to excited to see her or spend time with her, what about his son...he doesn't seem to care too much about him, other than him becoming the next king.  Morgana talks Uther into thinking that Arthur has been enchanted--because Arthur tells her everything (yeah, right) and she had never been told about his love for Gwen.  So Uther has Arthur's room searched, and what do they find?  The satchel that Morgana put under his pillow.

Well, Uther has played completely into Morgana's hand, and now thinks that Gwen put an enchantment on Arthur--because a prince could never fall in love with a serving girl!  To that, Uther sentences Gwen to death, because he must break the enchantment on Arthur.  It has to be said, Bradley James does great in this scene.  The torment on his face, as he says he will leave with her and relinquish his rights to the throne.  That seems to make Uther more convinced that he's enchanted, because his son would never say that...clearly he doesn't know his son well.  As both are restrained and Gwen is taken away, there is a moment where Arthur reaches her, kisses her and tells her that he will always love her.  Tears came to my eyes, such a heart wrenching scene.  Then in the background, we see that Morgana is giving sneer number 8, and Gwen saw it too!

Merlin goes to talk to Gwen, and says they need to find the person that really put that under Arthur's bed.  Gwen shares what she saw in the throne room, Morgana smiling as she was drug out.  She thinks that Merlin won't believe her, but we know he does!  Gwen figured it all out though, that it was no coincidence that they were found in the woods and that Morgana is not to be trusted!  YEAH!!  Finally!!  Merlin goes to Gaius, and talks Merlin into not telling Uther is was Morgana, as he won't believe him...true, we've seen Uther's blind eye when it comes to Morgana.  Merlin then gets the idea, that if they can't reveal the real sorcerer, they will have to invent one.

The plan: disguise Merlin as another, have him get caught putting an identical satchel under Arthur's pillow, then Gwen would have to be free, and Merlin could us magic to escape.  And we see Merlin use magic to become the old man, with the long white beard  that is usually thought of when referring to the Merlin legends.  Interesting way to bring that image into this version of the story.  I rather like it.

All begins to go as planned, Old Merlin is found by Arthur putting the satchel under his pillow, and an amusing scene commences.  Upon Old Merlin making a run for it, he tries a few times to turn back to his young self, to no avail.  He gets caught and when he's taken to Uther, Morgana seems a bit taken back, no sneer, just shock.  Old Merlin says the reason he did it was to cause Arthur to fall in love with a serving girl to bring shame to the throne.  When Uther asks if he has wronged him in some way, Old Merlin goes off, clearly his real thoughts about Uther and Arthur.  Old Merlin met his goal, Gwen is released, and he then is sentenced to death.  Let's hope he can break the spell that he put on himself in time!

Gaius tells Old Merlin that he can make an antidote, but it will take longer than he has, so he tells Merlin to stall...how?  Nothing seems to work...and right as Gaius finishes the potion, Old Merlin is being taken to be burned at the stake...will he get away?  Will the potion work?  How does this all go about?  How does Morgana handle all this, knowing that the Old Merlin, was covering for her?  What will happen to Arthur and Gwen?  You must watch to find out how all this occurs, but there's a great scene of slight action and suspense!  Though it would have been so much more cool if Merlin had commanded the Great Dragon to come and save him!

I am saddened by the fact that now Arthur and Gwen's love is still under wraps and now they know for sure that they cannot show how they truly feel in public because Uther will have Gwen banished or even killed.  But we do know how the story ends, so we know it will happen one day.  Just such a sad love story.

Torchline.com: Facebook Recap: Merlin 3.10 Queen of Hearts

Looking at the next episode, we're back to the tournaments and sword fighting, away from the Morgana story arch, this could be good--but I would like it to just be done with.  Though I am intrigued to see Harry Melling (who plays Dudley Dursley in the Harry Potter series) get some magic of his own!  Though when I look at him I only see Dudley (who I can't wait to see in HP7--apparently the scene between him and Harry is rather touching and really good...4 more days!!!).

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Merlin Series 3--DVD Extras: Deleted Scenes

Oh, to live in The United Kingdom, where DVD's of shows come out in stages, while the show is still running in that season.  Here in the States, we don't get the DVD's of shows until right before the next season is about to premiere.  Below are some of the deleted scenes from the UK's Merlin Series 3 Volume 1 DVD's.  Some of these scenes are great, and I think would have added a bit to the show...too bad they had to be cut.  A BIG thank you to those that post these from those of us that don't get the chance to see them!

Episode 1: The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 1

Episode 2: The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 2

Episode 3: Goblin's Gold

Episode 4: Gwaine

Friday, November 12, 2010

Disney's Avalon High

I'll admit, I am one to watch the Disney Channel, and I have no children. I find their shows like Wizards of Waverly Place and Sonny with a Chance to be cute and fun entertainment, and other shows like Hannah Montana and Suite Life, though fun, to be kind of mindless entertainment. It also keeps me in touch with the things that my students (since I am an elementary teacher) tend to like. I have also enjoyed quite a few of their made for t.v. movies, like Twiches, the Halloweentown series, and many others.

Their newest jump into movies is clearly their absolute best.  Avalon High is not the normal sweet and "Disney-like" movie.  It has an interesting and compelling storyline.  The story is based around the idea that King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table would be reincarnated into modern times bringing with them the hope and greatness of the original King Arthur, bringing a new age of light, instead of darkness.  Hope, light, something that we are all wishing for in this struggling time.

The setting is a High School, aptly named, Avalon High.  The new girl, Allie Pennington arrives and slowly puts the pieces together of who she thinks is the great king, Lancelot, Gwen, Merlin, and Mordred.  Though she's right in some aspects, she is incorrect in how she fits--I won't give it all away.

This film has mystery, action, and a small hint of a love story (it is Disney, afterall).  I found it really grabbed me.  The thought that the great King Arthur could come back and carry this world into an era of light, is interesting--and that the destiny of our world lies in the kids that are now in school, very true.  I think that it would have been even better on the big screen with more of a budget and more time.  The ending seem rushed a bit, since I'm sure they had to fit it into a specific time slot.  But all and all, it's worth a watch--definitely a great story, and reminds us all that hope for this world resides in the children that will one day take it over.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

8 Days and Counting...

Until the greatness of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 hits the screens! I just watched the live streaming of the London Premiere, and it has me all excited, not that I wasn't before! I found this little video...and I think that you'll enjoy it. It's a glimpse at behind the scenes of part 1 and part 2. I think that waiting for the second part is going to be torture!!! Enjoy:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Narnia Trailer Released

As we get closer to the release of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, we are getting to see a bit more and more of what to expect.  Yesterday, a new trailer was released, showing more of the action scenes, and a bit more of the story.  Personally, I haven't read the books, they are on my list of must reads, but other books seem to get in their way, but these movies are great.  I am truly glad that Fox picked up the franchise, after Disney dropped it.  I hope that Fox was able to keep the same quality with their take on the stories.  We shall see Dec. 10, 2010!!

Here is the newest trailer:

And I just have to throw in...Ben Barnes is just lovely!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Episode 9: Love in the Time of Dragons

After seeing that new trailer (see previous post), I have to say that I have been SO excited to watch the episode--even though it looks like it's probably a Gaius centric one, that trailer with all the sneak peeks got me wanting the rest of the season, right now!!

I do write these as a watch the show...


We open on a woman coming into Camelot.  She walks into, what I assume is her house (though it looks like she hasn't been there in awhile), and places a box on the table.  She opens it, and says a spell.  All of the sudden, an extremely creepy creature (I'm not even sure I can describe it, honestly--the face that is slightly human, the body of a cat, and the tail of a scorpion) pops out of the box and crawls on to her lap.  She then soothes it by saying, "Calm yourself, my pretty, we're home now."  And the freaky thing smiles!  Whoa!!  What the hell is this thing??  Clearly it's some magical creature...

We then learn from Uther (Anthony Head) when he's chatting with Gaius (Richard Wilson) that in the outlying towns around Camelot, there has been a physician that he thinks is practicing magic.  People that should not have lived have made full recoveries.  I know that Uther is against magic, and he has is crazy reasons, but wouldn't people being cured and healed be a good thing?  Anyway, now there is a case of such an act in Camelot.  The Inn Keeper, who was apparently critical, has returned to work, so Gaius and Merlin (Colin Morgan) go to investigate.

At the inn, both Gaius and Merlin focus for a moment on a mobile that is hanging from the ceiling as they walked in.  It was crystals and feathers.  When they talk to the Inn Keeper, he tells them that his wife was desperate, as he was slipping away, and she had met a healer in the lower town that gave her a medicine.  Gaius looked at the potion and it was some sort of glittery powder.  The Inn Keeper then asks if he's in some sort of trouble (clearly knowing that Uther will execute anyone that  possesses magic), Gaius assures him that he's not (though I'm not sure that is true, Uther may not agree).  As Gaius turns away to leave, he glances at the mobile again and a sweet smile crosses his face--he seems to know who is making these remedies!

What's interesting as well, is that before he met with the Inn Keeper, he was sure it was magic, when debriefing with Uther after, he tells him that it was a remedy made with a mix of herbs and nothing more.  Uther questions it, as Gaius himself is the one that said that the Inn Keeper was extremely ill, and fatal.  Gaius seems to backtrack, saying that a highly skilled physician could have made the potion of herbs--doesn't that make him look pretty bad??  Merlin seems to pick up on this, too.  He tells Gaius that it was great that he was protecting the Inn Keeper from Uther's wrath, but Gaius plays it off to the herbs again, and tells Merlin that he must be tired, and he should get some sleep.  What is Gaius hiding??

That night, Merlin is sleeping and is awaken by a loud noise coming from outside his door.  He goes to investigate and sees Gaius leaving their quarters.  He follows Gaius through the town to a house.  Gaius knocks on the door and the woman from before answers.  We then learn her name is Alice (Pauline Collins).  He DOES know her, and by the look of it, well!  The guards come, so Merlin is forced to leave, while Gaius and Alice step inside.  As they are talking the background music turns to the same music we hear when Arthur and Gwen (Angel Coulby) are having a moment, so clearly there is a love between these two.  We learn that it has been 20 years since they had seen each other.  He pleads with her to leave, as Uther will find out that magic is afoot in the town of Camelot.  She states, she's come back to see him again.  This seems to be enough for Gaius!  He embraces her and takes his leave, with her asking to see him the next day.  Once Gaius leaves, that creepy creatures pops up and talks!  Seriously, that is one scary thing, and it can talk, it's giving me the creepy crawlies!!!  It let's us know that there is a plan and Gaius is going to be blamed for whatever it is that will be happening.  Alice protests, but the creature does something to her, her eyes turn black (like the demon eyes in Supernatural) and then she agrees. 

We then see Gaius opening old love letters from Alice, reminiscing about his lost love, perhaps?

The next morning, Merlin questions Gaius' whereabouts the night before, and Gaius opens up about the relationship that he once had with Alice.  Alice apparently was an amazing sorceress and had mastered magic, especially the healing kind.  They were once engaged to be married, but then Uther declared war on magic, and created a list with the names of all people thought to be using it, in order to execute them all.  Being the King's physician, Gaius was able to see that Alice's name was on that list, and he removed it and sent her away.  He stayed behind, thinking that he would never see her again.  Though now that she is back, he feels that they may have a second chance.  Oh, poor Gaius

After a long day of helping Arthur (Bradley James) train and practice being a knight, Merlin returns home to find Gaius and Alice.  Apparently, Alice can't stay in her home (for reasons we are not told, and frankly, I find it odd, and it's never explained) and is going to be staying there with them.  Merlin has to give up his room for her.

Since he is now sleeping on the floor, he's not sleeping well, that night he hears talking coming from Alice's (his) room.  He goes to investigate, and sees Alice talking to the creepy creature (I can't get over how disturbingly freaky this guy is), and Alice is taking venom from the scorpion tail.  How will Merlin tell Gaius that his long lost love is working with a devilish creature?

While walking in the town the next day, Merlin asks Gaius what types of magic Alice used.  Gaius answered, all kinds, as back then it was a time of experimentation.  Merlin tells Gaius what he saw the previous night, and says that he could feel the dark magic of the creature.  When Gaius questions it, Merlin says he can prove it.  They go up to Alice's (Merlin's) room, and Merlin takes Alice's box from under the bed.  Gaius grabs the box and opens it, trying to prove Merlin wrong, alas, he does, because the box is empty.

Merlin then goes down to the library and finds a book...I'm guessing one that will tell him what the creature is...he finds a book and starts reading.

We then watch as Alice helps Gaius make come of his potions to help those in Camelot.  He asks for an ingredient, and she asks who it's for.  It is going to the King, for an old battle wound.  She learns that he takes it daily, and then seems to make her stop and take notice.  Hmmm....this plan of the evil little creature must be to kill Uther and blame Gaius, and Gaius has just given her the opportunity...but that is simply my thoughts at this point.

Back to Merlin, he finds a picture of the creature in the book, and asks the record keeper about it.  He tells Merlin that it is a manticore, and that the first talk of once was over 1000 years ago, and the ancients were scared to death of it, yet, as far as he was concerned, it was an imaginative creature.

Back to Gaius and Alice.  Alice distracts Gaius, by having him get her something, and Alice starts to pour the venom from the manticore into Uther's healing potion (remember that potion here refers to medicine).  Merlin walks in at that moment, and startles Alice, who drops both viles on to the floor.

That night Merlin sneaks back down to the library, to do more research on the manticore.  He finds out that the box isn't a container for the manticore, but a portal/gateway.  He goes to tell Gaius, and Gaius doesn't want to hear it.  He loves her, so he is blind to the fact that she has some sort of evil plan.  This confrontation seems to really rattle both Gaius and Merlin.  When he returns home, Alice plays it off as though Merlin is just jealous because now his attentions are on her, and offers to make Uther's potion for him, so that Gaius can rest.  This can't lead to good things, as we know she's up to something.

We are then given a funny little scene between Merlin and Arthur--Merlin is again helping Arthur to train, and Arthur asks what's wrong, Merlin tells him that he and Gaius had a falling out.  Arthur tries to make Merlin feel better...by punching him the arm and saying "Cheer up, will you."  Showing that they are becoming friends more and more.

Alice finishes making the potion for Uther, and Gaius goes to deliver it to him.  Nothing happens when Uther takes the medicine, though the background music is all suspenseful.

Cut to that night, Gaius and Alice are having dinner, and there is an empty place (Merlin's), Merlin is sitting in the courtyard looking perplexed about the situation, and then the bells start to chime--and we know that means something bad has happened in the castle.

Uther is laying on the floor and Arthur can't revive him.  Gaius comes to his aid, and has Arthur seal off the King's quarters.  Merlin joins Gaius to help.  Uther is alive, but his pulse is weak.  Then all of the sudden Uther's eyes pop open and they are black (seriously, just like the demons in Supernatural).  Merlin freaks a bit.  Gaius stays calm.  He finds the vile that Uther's meds were in, and sniffs it--does he know that something is wrong with it?  When asked by Arthur, he plays it off, and says he doesn't know what has happened.  Merlin confronts Gaius about Uther being poisoned and that they both know who did it.  Gaius still is in absolute denial.

In talking to Merlin, Arthur is sure that his father has been poisoned, and starts to conclude that it must be Gaius' medicine that has caused this.  Merlin then says he knows who did it!  Is he going to go against Gaius and turn Alice in?  He knows the truth, Alice is under the control of the manticore...

Gaius goes home and confronts Alice.  He clearly knows the truth, but couldn't admit that to Merlin.  When she tries to tell him the truth, her eyes turn black, and she's unable to speak--maybe the manticore has some spell that binds her from talking about it?  Then Arthur comes in and arrests Alice for poisoning his father.  Yahoo, Merlin, for telling Arthur the truth!!  Gaius gives Merlin a look of absolute disappointment.  Merlin says he had no choice, it was either her or him.  Clearly, in some ways, Gaius is wishing it was him that was blamed, when he tells Merlin that it wasn't his choice to make.

Arthur questions Alice, and she says that the creature made her do it (Arthur, obviously, doesn't believe her), and that she does not know how to cure the King.  As Arthur is walking away, she tries to explain about the manticore, but her eyes go black once more and she is unable to speak--Merlin sees this.

He goes to talk to Gaius, who tells him that the King won't last the day.  They both have a moment where there is understanding between them, that Merlin was trying to save Gaius from harm.  But they also agree that Alice was not out to hurt Uther, that something has made her do it.  Merlin fills Gaius in on the manticore.  Apparently the only way to stop the venom from killing Uther, is to kill the manticore.  Gaius goes looking for a book ( and finds it within moments--interesting that was just laying around) with information about how to kill it.  They find that the manticore cannot live long in our world, that it's power comes from the spirit world, so they need to trap it in this world.  They hash out a plan....

Now, I am leaving you with that...you must watch to see what happens--but I'll tell you, the manticore attacks and Gaius uses magic--but is it enough to save Uther's life?  What will happen to Alice, who is in the castle dungeons?  What of Gaius and Alice's love?

Man I love this show!  And honestly, it was nice to have an episode without Morgana (Katie McGrath) in it.  Yes, I am enjoying her story arch, trying to take over Camelot, but I feel like it's been so drawn out--and frankly, I'm tired of her evil smirks.  Yes, we get it, you're evil now!  Let's get on with it! 

Touchline.com: Facebook Recap: Merlin 3.09 "Love in the Time of Dragons"
 **Not as great as in the past...*

Here is a sneak peek at next week's episode! Oh, wow!! Looks like Morgana is back up to her evil deeds (and evil smirks), and Arthur and Gwen are found out?! And a possible look at the historical view of Merlin as a sorcerer with the long gray beard??  SO looking forward to this one!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Merlin Series 3 Trailer--With AMAZING Hints for What's in Store

I only have a moment, and really there's not much to say, once you watch this!!!  Holy smokes, look at what's coming in the last 5 episodes of Series 3 of Merlin!!!

Seriously, I can't wait!!! Lady of the Lake?? Excalibur?? Morgana as queen?? Lancelot returns?? It looks like it's going to get better and better!!! I'm all kinds of excited now!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Harry Potter Countdown...2 weeks!

I can hardly contain my excitement for the first installment of this epic finale!  There have been sneak peeks and loads of trailers put out for us all to see... and though I am dying to see the movie, I'm to the point where I don't want to see anymore of the clips or the trailers, I want to see it in it's entirety!

I recently finished rereading the book, and that has brought it all back into mind.  Of the clips that I have seen, I can see that they are picking some of the best scenes, and I can't wait to see how they do it.  The bits I've seen of the 7 Potters looks fantastic!  I just don't want to ruin anymore of the movie.  I want to be surprised.  We all know it's going to be unreal and frankly amazing!!

So anytime something new pops up online, with a clip or new trailer, I try my hardest to ignore it...though it really is hard.  I think that my excitement about this movie is higher than any other, to date--I may change that statement come July.

Though I am not one to go to midnight showings, since I am a morning person, and I tend to get sleepy in the theaters (can't be falling asleep!), I have contemplated going to this one!  Yet, I can wait until after work that Friday...though I can guarantee you that I will be chopping at the bit to get to the theater as soon as I can that day!

Instead of posting a clip or trailer (as there are a bunch to choose from), I will leave you with this great site.  It has 3 videos on it (plus a trailer), and they are all pretty cool.  They show the changes that the 3 wizard heros, well the kids (though they aren't kids anymore) that play them, have gone through over the 10 years of this epic adventure.  It's amazing to see, and interesting as well.  Enjoy.

EW.com-Harry Potter Stars Growing Up

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

With all the hype and excitement of the Harry Potter movies coming to an epic ending, I think that the next installment in the Chronicles of Narnia may get overlooked.  I know that I have heard little to nothing about it, and went searching to see when it will be released...and it is a mere few weeks after Harry Potter!!  Here is the one and only trailer...hopefully they will start advertising more and get the word out!  Maybe they are waiting until the HP craziness dies down...

It looks rather good!!!  So...starting Nov. 19th, I will be focused on HP and all the greatness that will be!  But come Dec. 10th, I will be awaiting this new adventure through Narnia!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Extreme Home Makeover--Halloween Style

It's not a show that I normally watch, since everytime that I have I end up crying like crazy.  Extreme Home Makeover is touching and heartwarming.  The stories of the families and communities they help allows people to see that not everyone is making it by, and yet they still help out those around them.

This week was a bit different.  They didn't help a conventional family, but a school family.  The Oregon School for the Deaf has been losing funding, and their boys dorm was falling apart.  After the closing of the Oregon School for the Blind, it looked like the school for the deaf might be following suit.  Enter Ty and his crew...who just might have saved this school from the downfall of Oregon's budget shortfall.

Each year, the school creates an amazing haunted "Nightmare Factory" as the school's main fundraiser.  In the past, it brings in about 9,000 people and each pay $10 to get scared out of their wits, as students and community members cause them to scream and have nightmares of their own.  Knowing this, Extreme Home Makeover decided that they would revamp the haunted site, and make it better than ever, in order to draw in more spectators.  Yet, that wasn't all...they took on a second building project.  They also completely built a new boys dorm.  The show took on a lot this week!

Usually, when they are remaking someone's house, they send the family off on a lovely vacation, this time, they sent all the students of the school, their families and some staff on a trip to get the students top of the line hearing aids--which is amazing!  The most touching scene of the show was when a mother was sitting behind her son, and said, "I love you" and he turned and signed, "I love you."  He had heard her!  There were my tears!

This episode really effected an entire community.  These students and families were helped more than the show will ever know!  As of show time, the haunted house had more than 30,000 visitors and more were coming in.  The construction company has stated that they will continue to build the school's dorms and be involved.  It also brought to light the school itself and the struggles that it has been going through, and people have stepped up to help out.

Extreme Home Makeover, I tip my hat to you...you always do good...but this time, this time you did an unreal thing for A LOT of people!  Thank you!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Very Potter Musical/Sequel

I meant to post this back in July...but I left on my world travels a few days after the sequel was released...

Last year, a group of students at the University of Michigan wrote and performed a musical to the Harry Potter series.  It captures storylines from all 7 books.  It is a spoof, but one that is made to honor the series of beloved books/movies.  They posted it on YouTube so that their families and friends may enjoy it, and instead of just a few viewers, their production became the viral hit of the summer, with well over 2 million views.  They are now a part of the Harry Potter World.

The musical not only is amusing and fun to watch,  the songs are catchy and lively.  Here is the playlist for AVPM:

This summer, the same group (now calling themselves Starkid Potter), brought us A Very Potter Sequel.  Since the first musical covers all 7 books, there really wasn't anywhere to go with this new story...but the guys at Starkid figured that part out, as Lucius Malfoy says in the first scene, there is literally no place let to go forward from here, but we can go back.  With the use of a time turner, we are taken back to Harry's first year at Hogwarts (the first musical took place a few years in). In the sequel, they were able to touch on the things that they had to leave out of the first.  The best scene by far...the quiddich scene!  The way that they portray moving quickly through the air and playing the game is spectacular!  I'll be honest, this one doesn't stand up to the first, the songs aren't an catchy, and one of the scene stealers of the first isn't in this production, Voldy...but it's a great production, and definitely worth watching.  I love that things happen in the sequel that set up for things in the original--like Ron's headband, and his love for snacks.  Here is the playlist for AVPS:

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Episode 8: The Eye of the Phoenix

Just knowing that Warwick Davis is in this episode, I am all excited!!

**Spoilers Below**

Well this episode is off to a nice start in the first moment...Bradley James without his shirt.  It's happening in pretty much every episode now, and trust me, I am not complaining! 

Apparently, in order to become king, Arthur (Bradley James) must get a vision of a quest that he must complete alone and unaided--Merlin (Colin Morgan) looks a little concerned by this, since he is usually the one that gets Arthur out of trouble.  This storyline reminds me of something else...but I just can't put my finger on it.  Arthur comes out of his trance, and states that he will go to the realm of the Fisher King and retrieve the golden trident.

We learn from Gaius (Richard Wilson) that the Fisher King was a sorcerer that lived hundreds of years ago, and he was supposedly killed in a battle.  Yet his magic ran so deep, when he was killed, his lands died as well.  They then became known as the Perilous Lands.  Some still believe that the Fisher King is still alive.

Cut to the market down in the town.  Gwen (Angel Coulby) and Morgana (Katie McGrath) are shopping.  Here's my thought here, if Morgana is always seemingly sot after, wouldn't there be guards with her as she wanders the town?  While shopping for fabrics, Morgana is stopped by an elderly woman...which is actually her evil sister, Morgause (Emilia Fox) under a spell.  She gives Morgana a bracelet, and tells her to give it to Arthur as a token, for his quest.  As she is walking away, Gwen sees the old woman's reflection in a mirror and instead of seeing the old woman, she sees her true form...Morgause.  She is, understandably, concerned, as she had just seen Morgana wander off with her for a moment.  When asked if she was okay, Morgana said that the woman needed money to feed her family.  To me it seems that maybe, just maybe, Gwen is beginning to see that Morgana is EVIL!  Man, I wish she would...this round and round about it is getting rather old, at times.

Gwen then goes to Arthur before he leaves, and asks him to be careful, for her.  He agrees and then kisses her.  Not too touching of a moment...but I love that they are beginning to really show how they feel for each other.

As he is leaving Camelot, Merlin notices the bracelet on Arthur's wrist.  Arthur tells him it's from Morgana...he gets his angry/worried face and then goes straight to the books with Gaius, looking for clues as to what it is.  They finally find it...it's the eye of the Phoenix--which consumes the life force of anything it comes in contact with.  Well...that's not daunting at all!  Arthur is off on his own, wearing something that will suck his life force!  We know Merlin can't have that, and Gaius tells him that he can't do it alone, that he will need help.  Who to call....Who to call?  Merlin is off...

That night, while Arthur sleeps...Morgana is creating a voodoo doll of him, and setting it on fire within a box.  The eye of the Phoenix on Arthur's wrist begins to glow, and Arthur looks like he is having a restless sleep.  While Morgana is doing this, Gwen steps in her room...Morgana closes the box quicker than a fellow caught looking at the wrong things on his laptop, and screams for Gwen to get out--strike 2 against Morgana!

The next morning, Arthur is awaken by 2 guys trying to kill him.  The usual sword fight ensues, and Arthur is noticeably weaker and more floppy than normal.  Though he's clearly struggling, because his life force is being drained (we are shown the bracelet glowing in the midst of the fight) he is still able to take out both of his attackers.

We then see that Merlin isn't too far behind Arthur (as he is looking out at the same mountain range that Arthur did the day before.  Yet, clearly, he has a detour in mind, to get that help that he needs.  Who is it that he finds in a bar brawl??  Why, Gwaine (Eoin Macken) of course!  Who seems very happy to see Merlin, but sucks Merlin into the brawl and the next thing we see is the both of them running from the tavern with some tough looking fellows after them.  Oh Gwaine, you haven't changed a bit!  While running, Merlin fills him in--Arthur needs his help.  Gwaine agrees to help out.

Arthur, who is not looking too hot, gets to a bridge where the keeper of the bridge, Grettir (Warwick Davis) is waiting.  Grettir tells him he will need 3 things on his journey: courage (which Grettir called him), strength, and magic.  Arthur responds with something his father Uther (Anthony Head) would be proud of, "I do not condone the use of magic."  Grettir tells him he would be wise not to dismiss magic so easily.  As Arthur is walking passed him, Grettir grabs his wrist and looks at the bracelet.  When he hears that someone dear to Arthur gave it to him for luck, he smiles, and says, "did she now..." He clearly knows what the bracelet really is.  Arthur turns away, and when he looks back Grettir is gone.  He crosses the bridge to the Perilous Lands.

Back in Camelot, Morgana apologizes to Gwen for shouting at her the night before, and opts to make it up to her by giving her the night off.  Instead of spending the evening at home, Gwen hides out in Morgana's room to see what she's up to.  Good on you, Gwen!!  Though if she's caught, she's as good as dead!  Gwen watches as Morgana lights the voodoo doll on fire again, with magic.  At the same moment, we see that this drains Arthur even more of his energy, as he makes his way through the Perilous Lands.  He finds himself stuck in a bog, and he doesn't have the strength to pull himself out.  Then he passes out.

We then see that Merlin and Gwaine may soon find Arthur (hopefully very soon), as they have now reached Grettir's bridge.  Gwaine goes to check out the other side, while Merlin approaches the bridge, and Grettir appears.  He says, "Ahh...magic has arrived!"  And tells Merlin that he must cross the bridge if Arthur is to complete his quest.  He also states that they must succeed to restore the Fisher King's land to prosperity, which is something that he wants.  When Gwaine comes running up, Grettir says, "Ahh...finally, strength has arrived the trio is complete."  Clearly, the 3 of them are meant to go on this quest together.  As they cross the bridge, Grettir reminds them that in the Perilous lands, nothing is as it seems.

Then Arthur gets a burst of energy and crawls out of the bog, on to the shore, and then passes out again, through the night.  Poor guy, can barely move.  Why doesn't he notice the glowing thing on his wrist??

Oh thank the Mighty Dragon!!!  Gwen has figured out Morgana's secret, and she has run and told Gaius, who does not deny that Morgana means harm to those in Camelot!!! 

The next morning, Arthur stumbles as he makes his way through the Perilous Lands.  He finally gets close to the castle he's looking for, and sees that it's guarded by two large flying creatures--kind of dragon like (we find out that they are distant cousins of the dragon--could Merlin's dragonlord abilities work on these magical creatures too?!), which immediately go after him.  Just a bit behind him, Merlin and Gwaine see that Arthur is being hunted by these creatures and run to try to get there in time to help.  Arthur gets inside the castle walls and runs to find safety--though the creatures are right behind him, and the other 2 are not far behind.  Once they reach the castle walls, Gwaine and Merlin split up to look for Arthur.

When Merlin finds him, Arthur is passed out, again, and the creatures are about to attack.  He jumps in between them, and speaks in his dragonlord tongue...it worked!!!  The creatures bow to him, and back off!  Merlin removes the bracelet, and almost immediately, Arthur comes to, and then gets pissy with Merlin for being there--it was supposed to be his quest.  He gets even more pissy when Gwaine saves them when one of the creatures sneaks up on them and almost kills them.

And now the quest for the trident continues...interestingly enough, Arthur seems back to 100%.  Who would have thought it would have been that quick to restore your life force!

I'm thinking that this time,  I shall leave the ending for you to watch yourselves...it's REALLY good, and we get a little glimpse of what may come...Lake of Avalon...the Once and Future King...and we see that everything that happened in that quest (the good and the bad) had a purpose.  Just watch...it's bloody great!

I rather liked this episode.  I like the character of Gwaine.  He is friendly, loyal, and daring.  He makes the episode fun and more interesting.  You know he'll show up later, with Elyan and Lancelot, since they are known Knights of the Round Table.  I am SOOOO happy that Gwen is now in the know about Morgana!!  Now hopefully, Arthur will be as well...though that may be wishful thinking...

Torchline.com: Facebook Recap: Merlin 3.08 The Eye of the Phoenix

Here's a sneak peek at next week's episode--looking interesting, Gaius with a love interest??...though the last scene reminds me of the demons on Supernatural!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Series 2 Merlin to DVD in The States

Just a quick note to let you know that Merlin Series 2 will finally be released to DVD on January 18th, 2011!!  I hate how it takes so long here to get it on DVD!  The UK has had it almost a year, and when I was visiting Australia this summer, it was already available there (and they see it on TV about the same time we do).  Hopefully the behind the scenes will include the Secrets and Magic Series that they showed in the UK!!  Then I can watch this on the big screeen!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Merlin Will Be Back!

It was announced yesterday, by BBC One, that Merlin has been tapped for a 4th season!  WAHOOO!!!  So even though the US is still waiting for the 3rd series, the 4th will start filming next spring!  It's been announced that there will be 10 episodes instead of the previous 13 per series, and that the Knights of the Round Table may come together!  I can't wait, and I haven't even seen the rest of Series 3!  Here's the press release:
Smash hit, family favourite, Merlin, produced by Shine TV, has been recommissioned for a fourth series of magical adventure for BBC One.
The announcement comes as the third series of the fantasy drama continues to enchant audiences on Saturday nights. The current series on air is pulling in an average of over six million viewers and a total of 24.3 per cent share of the audience.
Ben Stephenson, Controller Drama Commissioning, says: “Merlin continues to perform outstandingly well against X Factor and offers audiences an alternative treat on Saturday nights. I’m pleased to confirm that the magical world of Camelot will be returning next year for a fourth series of this fresh and modern retelling of a classic British legend.”
Johnny Capps and Julian Murphy, executive producers for Shine TV, said: “We are both delighted with the continuing success of Merlin, and relish the chance to take the series to the next level with the long-awaited arrival of the Knights of the Round Table.”
Merlin stars Colin Morgan as Merlin, Bradley James as Prince Arthur, Anthony Head as King Uther, Katie McGrath as Morgana, Angel Coulby as Gwen, Richard Wilson as Gaius and John Hurt as the voice of the Great Dragon.
Series three has seen a host of high-profile guest-stars including: Emilia Fox, Tom Ellis, Miriam Margoyles, Warwick Davies and Pauline Collins. Series three will continue on Saturday evenings on BBC One until the nail biting finale on the 4 December. Loyal friends and exciting newcomers arrive to rescue Camelot as Morgana’s careful plotting is about to reach a potentially devastating and dramatic climax.
Merlin is made for BBC Cymru Wales by award-winning executive producers Johnny Capps and Julian Murphy from Shine TV, with Bethan Jones as executive producer for the BBC.
The new 10×45 minute series will start filming in March 2011 and has been recommissioned by Ben Stephenson, Controller BBC Drama Commissioning.
Merlin has also enjoyed phenomenal international success, selling to 180 countries internationally, with series two providing a smash hit success for the Syfy channel in the US, which has already bought the third series currently in production.
 Something to look forward to next fall! :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

R.E.D.--A Must See!

When I saw the trailer for R.E.D., I thought it would be great!  I mean, Helen Mirren using an automatic weapon!!  "The Queen" as a hit-woman!!  That alone is great!!  Throw in Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and John Malkovich and R.E.D. is born.  This is a spectacular film about a group of retired CIA agents that are targeted because they know too much (if I tell you what about, it will throw off the film, so I'm keeping my mouth shut).

Though the entire cast is amazing, I have to say that John Malkovich steals every scene that he's in!  His character apparently was given LSD every day for 11 years, so he's a bit batty and paranoid...but rightly so...they are being followed and people are trying to kill them.  Malkovich plays this character so perfectly, and adds so much humor, I found myself just waiting to see what he would do next!

This film shows that even though people get older, they can still kick-ass!  And these Retired and Extremely Dangerous (RED) agents are certainly able to do that!  This film not only holds your attention because of the action and the government plotting, but throw in the humor and you may just have the perfect movie.  The only downside is the love connection between Bruce Willis and Mary Loise Parker. It could have been left out...she wasn't a needed part of the film, in my opinion.  She was just kind of there in the background, and then used for a hostage trade...and the 2 together as a couple wasn't that believable...but that is easily overlooked with the greatness of the rest of the film!

R.E.D is a definite MUST SEE!! 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Episode 7: The Castle of Fyrien

After just seeing the preview of this episode, I was excited.  I'm not sure if it's because of the drama caused by Morgana continuing her evil ways or if it's the Arthur/Gwen growing love that gets me.  From last week, we know that Morgana is aware of the feelings that Arthur and Gwen share for each other...and now she's using that to her advantage.  Now that she knows she is actually Uther's daughter (not just his ward), she is after the throne herself.  Let's see what happens next, shall we? (as I do write these as I am watching the show).


Poor Gwen!  After a long day at work, Gwen (Angel Coulby) returns home to find that there are dirty, scary looking men in her house.  Though she tried to fend them off, they caught her and ride off into the night with her, all while her so called best friend, Morgana (Katie McGrath) watches from her bedroom window, with her now trademark, evil smile.

The next morning, Morgana joins Uther (Anthony Head) and Arthur (Bradley James) for breakfast late, and she seems upset.  She puts on a good act of Gwen never showed up for work this morning, and I'm worried...which Uther responds coldly to, by saying they could easily get her a new servant, while Arthur calls upon Merlin (Colin Morgan) to go to Gwen's house and make sure that she's okay.  And here, again, we see Morgana's evil smile.  I've said it before, but seriously, Katie McGrath has that evil smile/look down--though the fact that no one in Camelot has seen her do it, surprises me...then again, things are always being overlooked in the land of Camelot.

Merlin heads to Gwen's place, and investigates.  In looking around he concludes that strange things are afoot at the house of Gwen.

Then we see Morgause (Emilia Fox) and Cenred (Tom Ellis) looking into a cell, at a fellow.  Morgause seems thrilled that Cenred has found this guy, and apparently, Morgana told them where to find him.  A scared Gwen is then brought into Cenred, and when she asks why have you brought me here, he says he has a guest that he thought she would want to see.  They bring in the fellow from the cell, and we then find out, that he is in fact, Gwen's long lost brother, Elyan (Adetomiwa Edun).  At first, Gwen seems happy to see her brother, but once alone, we see that she clearly does not trust him, and thinks that he has caused the kidnapping to take place.  Morgause and Cenred clearly have a plan, as they watch the interactions between the brother and sister, we just don't quite know what it is, yet.

Well, it wasn't but a moment later that Cenred has told Gwen what he's wanting.  He wants her to bring him Arthur within a week, otherwise, she will have to watch as he de-hearts her brother.  Oh, the drama and anguish!  What will Gwen do??!

Meanwhile, back in Camelot, Arthur is telling Uther and Morgana of Gwen's kidnapping.  Morgana puts on quite the show of despair, while Uther, in true Uther fashion, could clearly careless, "She's just a serving girl."  But Arthur convinces him to allow for a search party--but alas, Uther will only allow it until nightfall--but we know that won't stop Arthur from finding Gwen, and Morgana knows it too...as we see her evil smile again!

Interestingly enough, the next morning, Gwen has returned and is acting as though nothing has happened (though she seems scared and uncomfortable--but wouldn't you be?).  She tells Morgana (who knows otherwise) that she was gone because she was not feeling well, and when she runs into Merlin (literally), he tells her that Arthur has been worried sick and searching the whole town.  She tries to play it off, that she was sick, but he sees the bruises on her wrists, and she breaks down.  She tells Merlin what has happened and what she's expected to do.  He convinces her to tell Arthur, so that he can help.

Arthur gets all amped up to help Gwen's brother, and says that the 3 of them will go and save him.  Gwen points out that it would be a trap, as they want Arthur dead.  Arthur's response, "Not necessarily."  All the while, we see that Morgana was listening outside the door.

Oh, this time she's wearing a purple cape, instead of the bright red one, maybe she'll blend in more...not that it matters in Camelot...no one EVER sees people lurking around...no matter how much noise they make or how bright their clothing.  Morgana is off to tell Morgause of the newest happenings.  It's so amazing to me the hatred that runs through Morgana...she grew up with Arthur as a brother, and now she's ready to kill him, for no other reason than that she may take the throne...power hungry *#$&@!

In order to leave on his quest of saving Gwen's brother, Arthur fibs to his father, saying ironically, that he lost a bet to Morgana and needs to leave Camelot to purchase some silk so that she can make some dresses.  Uther laughs and says he better hurry along then.

As Merlin is getting the horses ready, Morgana (with her evil face) walks up and says she's going along too!  Oh no!!!  Merlin knows that Morgana is in on this plot, who else would have told Cenred

While camping along the way, Merlin is asked to go check on Morgana who is getting firewood, so that Arthur can be alone with Gwen.  When Merlin finds Morgana, he confronts her (which I love that he did) and talks about the loyalty and caring that Arthur and Gwen have for Morgana, because they are her friends.  She plays it off, like she couldn't possibly understand why he would be telling her this.  Merlin tells her that they are his friends too, and he would stop at nothing to protect them.  I'm liking this tougher side to Merlin.

Back at camp there is a touching scene between Arthur and Gwen.  Gwen shares a bit about her brother, as it seems trouble follows him where ever he goes.  But no matter what, she would be there for him, because that's what you do when you love someone.  As they are about to kiss, Morgana and Merlin return to camp--Morgana seeing what was happening, and giving her evil smirk.  In all honesty, like I said, she's good at it, but it might become a bit of an over kill if she keeps doing it.  Over dinner Arthur talks of the plan to catch Cenred off guard, by using the secret tunnels under the castle that he's hiding out in.  Morgana is especially interested in how this will all work (I wonder why--this of course is absolute sarcasm), while Merlin struggles to try to get Arthur to stop talking about the plan, by offering more beans.

Of course, that night, while the others sleep, Morgana slips away and meets Morgause, telling her of the plan.  In order for Cenred's army to find these hidden tunnels, Morgause gives Morgana a magical ring that will guide them in, when she throws it to the ground.  As she returns to camp, we see that Merlin was aware of her absence, and in turn is aware that she probably let them in on the plan.  He tries first to get Morgana out of the quest by using a spell to have a snake spook her horse, getting her bucked off, alas, she only hurt her ankle, and insisted that she continue on.  Once there, Merlin tries his hardest to get Arthur to see that Cenred, may know about the tunnels...but per usual, Arthur doesn't listen to Merlin.

As they are going into the tunnels, at the back of the castle, I can't help but notice that Morgana is walking just fine.  Though in the previous scene she could barely stand because of her ankle...she must be a quick healer.  Before she goes into the tunnel, Morgana lays the magical ring on a stone, so that their path is now clear to Cenred and Morgause.

While venturing through the tunnel, they realize that they are being followed.  Arthur asks the question, "How did they know we were here?"  I just wanted to scream, and I'm sure Merlin did too, it was Morgana, you fool!  Now...let the sword fighting commence.  Oops, nope, as soon as one of the bad guys puts a sword to Gwen's throat, Arthur drops his sword, and surrenders.  Here's my thought here, why did they bring her along??  She's not a fighter (at least Morgana is good with a sword) and she's Arthur's weakness...this was not well thought out, now was it?

Gwen is put in a cell with her brother, and we learn a bit about their relationship, and Elyan learns a bit about the relationship between his sister and the prince.  Arthur and Merlin concoct a plan to get free from their cell--which is somewhat amusing.  Once free they fight their way to free the others.  Yet, no one knows where Morgana is.  Surprise, surprise, Arthur won't leave without her, and tells Gwen to leave and not look back.  Morgause knows Arthur won't leave without the girl he thinks is family, which calms Morgana, who seemed hell bent on killing Arthur right away.  Cenred then tells Morgana she must play her part well.

Once Arthur finds the hall, he sees that Cenred has a sword to Morgana's throat.  Morgana is pleading for him not to hurt her.  Cenred insists that Arthur lay down his sword...he hesitates...Morgause then makes her appearance, which actually makes Arthur put back up his defenses.  Right at this point, we see that Merlin has followed Arthur (though he was supposed to go with Gwen and Elyan) and is now watching what is happening.  Morgause creates a fiery tornado and sends it toward Arthur.  Merlin then uses his own powers and the tornado blows them all backward and sends some of the ceiling down on them.  Here's hoping Morgana was taken out in that blow...though deep down, we know that won't happen.

Arthur gets up, and goes straight to Morgana...Merlin then appears and the three of them start back through the tunnels.  Merlin is leading the way, pulling Morgana (who is fighting him the whole way).  I seriously LOVE how forceful Merlin gets with Morgana...finally!!!  "What, are you worried about your friends?"  But alas, Arthur catches up to them, and she then falls to the ground claiming her ankle is really bothersome...REALLY??  It hasn't bothered you this entire time??  So Arthur flings her over his shoulder and carries her out, while she is kicking and screaming.  When they make their way out, Gwen and Elyan are waiting...and so are some bad guys.  Here we see that Elyan has some great fighting skills...a bit of a foreshadowing?? I love that the future knights of the round table pop up through the story!  I can't wait to see Arthur become king and bring them all together.

Torchline.com: Facebook Recap: Merlin 3.07 The Castle of Fyrien

Here's a sneak peek at next week's episode...looks like we are continuing the Morgana story arch...and an old friend returns to help out.