Friday, November 5, 2010

Harry Potter Countdown...2 weeks!

I can hardly contain my excitement for the first installment of this epic finale!  There have been sneak peeks and loads of trailers put out for us all to see... and though I am dying to see the movie, I'm to the point where I don't want to see anymore of the clips or the trailers, I want to see it in it's entirety!

I recently finished rereading the book, and that has brought it all back into mind.  Of the clips that I have seen, I can see that they are picking some of the best scenes, and I can't wait to see how they do it.  The bits I've seen of the 7 Potters looks fantastic!  I just don't want to ruin anymore of the movie.  I want to be surprised.  We all know it's going to be unreal and frankly amazing!!

So anytime something new pops up online, with a clip or new trailer, I try my hardest to ignore it...though it really is hard.  I think that my excitement about this movie is higher than any other, to date--I may change that statement come July.

Though I am not one to go to midnight showings, since I am a morning person, and I tend to get sleepy in the theaters (can't be falling asleep!), I have contemplated going to this one!  Yet, I can wait until after work that Friday...though I can guarantee you that I will be chopping at the bit to get to the theater as soon as I can that day!

Instead of posting a clip or trailer (as there are a bunch to choose from), I will leave you with this great site.  It has 3 videos on it (plus a trailer), and they are all pretty cool.  They show the changes that the 3 wizard heros, well the kids (though they aren't kids anymore) that play them, have gone through over the 10 years of this epic adventure.  It's amazing to see, and interesting as well.  Enjoy. Potter Stars Growing Up

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