Sunday, November 21, 2010

3 problems with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

It's finally here...WAHOO!!!  I'm not going to go on and on about it, as most people have seen the film already...and I'm sure that most would agree, it was fantastic!! I laughed, I sat on the edge of my seat, and I cried like a baby--all things I expect to do with part 2, as well. It really followed the book well, and set up everything that is needed for part 2, which should be even more amazing!

There are 3 things that I had a bit of an issue with in this film, they are as follows:

1.) Bill Weasley--not once in the first 6 films are we even told about this Weasley older brother. We know Ron, George and Fred, and Jenny; meet Percy along the way; Charlie is mentioned, but Bill is not ever even brought up. In the books, we learn more about the Weasleys than in the films, so we know that there is another older brother, Bill. In HP7.1, Bill arrives with the crew to get Harry out of the Dursley home safely, just like in the book. There is a quick introduction, where he also, in one line explains how he got the scars on his face. It seemed too quick and rushed. He had to be in that scene, as the 7 Potters is a huge part of the 7th book, as is his wedding to Fleur (who just appears again, after not seeing or hearing about her since film #4--and if I didn't know because of the books, or hadn't just seen the other films, I wouldn't have put together who she was), and I'm hoping he will be in the next installment, as a lot happens in his and Fleur's home...but I feel they should have looked ahead to this in the other movies and at least mentioned him, since he is mentioned and in so much of the books when they are at the Burrows.  It seemed odd and just thrown in to me.

2.) Dudley's scene--There is a scene in the book where Dudley (Harry's not so lovely cousin) actually shows that he appreciates that Harry saved his life, and that he has a heart. It would have only been a moment long, but it was left out of the film entirely. We only see Dudley for a brief moment, from the back, complaining about having to leave. I know that it's not a huge moment to drive the story, but I think that it would have been a touching moment between Harry and the only remaining family he has. We watched the Dusleys torment, and pretty much torture poor Harry, but this moment makes you realize that the youngest of this horrid family actually somewhat cares about Harry.

3.) The ending--not the actual ending, really, but the fact that it ended at all! I hate that now I have to wait 8 months to see the end of this epic tale! I know why they split it into 2 movies, and I am glad that they did, because they are able to have so much more detail!

I REALLY want to see it right now!!! Alas, I have no choice but to wait....Bring on July!!!

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