Friday, November 12, 2010

Disney's Avalon High

I'll admit, I am one to watch the Disney Channel, and I have no children. I find their shows like Wizards of Waverly Place and Sonny with a Chance to be cute and fun entertainment, and other shows like Hannah Montana and Suite Life, though fun, to be kind of mindless entertainment. It also keeps me in touch with the things that my students (since I am an elementary teacher) tend to like. I have also enjoyed quite a few of their made for t.v. movies, like Twiches, the Halloweentown series, and many others.

Their newest jump into movies is clearly their absolute best.  Avalon High is not the normal sweet and "Disney-like" movie.  It has an interesting and compelling storyline.  The story is based around the idea that King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table would be reincarnated into modern times bringing with them the hope and greatness of the original King Arthur, bringing a new age of light, instead of darkness.  Hope, light, something that we are all wishing for in this struggling time.

The setting is a High School, aptly named, Avalon High.  The new girl, Allie Pennington arrives and slowly puts the pieces together of who she thinks is the great king, Lancelot, Gwen, Merlin, and Mordred.  Though she's right in some aspects, she is incorrect in how she fits--I won't give it all away.

This film has mystery, action, and a small hint of a love story (it is Disney, afterall).  I found it really grabbed me.  The thought that the great King Arthur could come back and carry this world into an era of light, is interesting--and that the destiny of our world lies in the kids that are now in school, very true.  I think that it would have been even better on the big screen with more of a budget and more time.  The ending seem rushed a bit, since I'm sure they had to fit it into a specific time slot.  But all and all, it's worth a watch--definitely a great story, and reminds us all that hope for this world resides in the children that will one day take it over.

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