Monday, November 1, 2010

Extreme Home Makeover--Halloween Style

It's not a show that I normally watch, since everytime that I have I end up crying like crazy.  Extreme Home Makeover is touching and heartwarming.  The stories of the families and communities they help allows people to see that not everyone is making it by, and yet they still help out those around them.

This week was a bit different.  They didn't help a conventional family, but a school family.  The Oregon School for the Deaf has been losing funding, and their boys dorm was falling apart.  After the closing of the Oregon School for the Blind, it looked like the school for the deaf might be following suit.  Enter Ty and his crew...who just might have saved this school from the downfall of Oregon's budget shortfall.

Each year, the school creates an amazing haunted "Nightmare Factory" as the school's main fundraiser.  In the past, it brings in about 9,000 people and each pay $10 to get scared out of their wits, as students and community members cause them to scream and have nightmares of their own.  Knowing this, Extreme Home Makeover decided that they would revamp the haunted site, and make it better than ever, in order to draw in more spectators.  Yet, that wasn't all...they took on a second building project.  They also completely built a new boys dorm.  The show took on a lot this week!

Usually, when they are remaking someone's house, they send the family off on a lovely vacation, this time, they sent all the students of the school, their families and some staff on a trip to get the students top of the line hearing aids--which is amazing!  The most touching scene of the show was when a mother was sitting behind her son, and said, "I love you" and he turned and signed, "I love you."  He had heard her!  There were my tears!

This episode really effected an entire community.  These students and families were helped more than the show will ever know!  As of show time, the haunted house had more than 30,000 visitors and more were coming in.  The construction company has stated that they will continue to build the school's dorms and be involved.  It also brought to light the school itself and the struggles that it has been going through, and people have stepped up to help out.

Extreme Home Makeover, I tip my hat to always do good...but this time, this time you did an unreal thing for A LOT of people!  Thank you!!

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