Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eclipse DVD

On Saturday, December 4th at midnight, people will be flocking to stores to get the most recent movie in the Twilight Saga...

Personally, I was all about the Twilight series when the first film came out.  I saw the movie numerous times (more than I'd like to admit) and was subsequently excited for the 2 films following...yet, that excitement began to diminish after the first film.

Though the 3rd film, Eclipse is arguably the best of the bunch (though it lacked the wonderful campiness that the first film had), so far, I have to say that it coming out on DVD doesn't excite me much at all.  In fact, I find that I feel I have to purchase the DVD so that I can have a complete set of DVDs, not because of the film itself--call it my OCD or something.

I think that after the craziness of the Twilight Saga, it has lost all luster for me.  It is far too hyped!  The cruises, the conventions, the stars pimping themselves out for a buck--though I tip my hat at those that are pimping themselves out for charity, it's all too much.  The stars of Twilight have been everywhere for the past few years (especially Kristen, Rob, and Taylor)--though most, if not all, has not been their fault, it's just overwhelming, and makes me feel bombarded.

Will I purchase a DVD?  Yes, and honestly, since I have 2 (2 different versions) of the first 2, I very well may purchase 2 of the 3rd installment...will I watch it?  Probably not, though if the commentary is anything like the one on Twilight, it will be worth a watch!  Rob and Kristen were hilarious...

**Don't get me started on the Breaking Dawn films...

**And just to make it clear...Harry Potter is a far better book series, film series, and all around story.  It is timeless and magical.  The characters are deep and multidimensional, the story has so many layers it keeps you interested and enthralled throughout.  Yes, I enjoyed the Twilight series, but it's not even close to being comparable to Harry Potter.

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