Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Merlin Series 3-Episode 4: Gwaine

**Originally posted October 3, 2010...when it aired on BBC.  I will say it again, SyFy needs to air Merlin earlier than 10p...let alone pushing it off the air to show reruns of their lame Being Human remake!

Since I'm stuck home sick this weekend, a new Merlin was the highlight of it (and this entry probably won't be too great)!  This season we've already seen the dark side of Camelot along with some foreshadowing of the battle that exists within the King's court.  We've also seen the silly things that seem to occur now and again in this mystical world.  So what are we left to see...an episode filled with sword fighting and a plot to kill Prince Arthur.  This week's episode gave us that.


We start with Prince Arthur (Bradley James) and Merlin (Colin Morgan) riding up to a small town after a day of hunting.  Arthur suggests going into the local tavern to get some mead.  While enjoying their mead, the boys are witness to the town bully shaking down the pub owner.  Of course, Arthur cannot allow this to happen, so a bar fight ensues.  Arthur is just about ready to be stabbed, when Gwaine (Eoin Macken), a fellow hanging out at the bar, jumps in between and saves him.  The bad guy is put in the stocks, and the townspeople flog him with tomatoes.

The boys take Gwaine back to the castle and is under the care of Gaius (Richard Wilson), the court physician--Arthur is very thankful that his life was saved.  In conversations between Merlin and Gwaine, we learn that Gwaine actually comes from a noble family, which would allow him to be more respected in the court, but Gwaine has disdain for the nobles because of the death of his father.

Then we see the fellow has clearly gotten out of the stocks because he is now in a dark room, purchasing enchanted crystals, which allow the wearer to change their appearance into the person's whose blood is on the crystal.  Another moment where a Harry Potter spell might come in handy.  Polyjuice potion...but the crystal is what they have in Camelot.  Then after sneaking up on a few knights, they overtake them and then take on their form.

All this to join the tournament in Camelot.  Their goal, to kill Arthur (is there any other?).

Once in the palace, our friend Merlin is told to do whatever the knights desire.  Well, of course, since Merlin was a part of the humiliation that warranted Arthur being killed, they treat him horribly.  The more that he's around the 2 "knights" the more he sees there is something just not quite right.  And then he sees the crystal--which when he looks into it, he sees the true face of the wearer.  He's figured it out!  He must tell Arthur!  But again he are faced with the, they won't believe me, because I'm just a servant.  So he must have proof.  So he tries to steal the crystal and he is discovered.  Gwaine gets concerned because it's been so long since Merlin left, so he goes after him.  He finds the "knights" about to kill Merlin, and steps in and saves his life.  He then gets taken in front of the king, for being a commoner and attacking the knight.  Though Uther (Anthony Head) is ready to send him to the executioner, Arthur steps up and speaks on his behalf.  So he is just banished from Camelot.  On his way out of town, Gwaine has a moment with Gwen (Angel Coulby).  Seems all fellas that come through Camelot fall for this girl.

Then the day of the tournament arrives.  A tournament where it seems it's just all the knights in the ring fighting it out with dull swords, until the last man standing.  This is the only spot in this episode where we see Lady Morgana (Katie McGrath).  We learn that the bad knights have swords that aren't really dull...though they look it.  Merlin tries to convince Arthur to pull out of the fight, but Arthur needs to prove to the people that he's fit to lead them.  The fighting begins.  We see the lovely sword fighting that the show is known for.  More and more knights are taken down.

Then it's down to the 1 of the bad knights and Arthur, who narrowly escapes being run through.  Then the other bad knight comes riding in on his horse.  Gaius tells Merlin to do something, and Merlin breaks the saddle, so the knight is now on the ground.  Now it's 2 against Arthur.  Then a knight that was grounded gets up and comes to Arthur's aid.  This knight is a great fighter, and takes down one of the bad knights then saves Arthur's life by taking down the other.  Since the point of the whole day is to get down to one knight, Arthur surrenders.  Who is this grand knight?  Why Gwaine, of course!

At the sight of Gwaine, Uther has the guards seize him.  He immediately believes that Gwaine has killed the bad knights...alas, he is wrong, for sorcery has come to Camelot, again.  Gwaine is again banished from Camelot.  Arthur tries to explain that if it were up to him, he would have him join the court.  Gwaine tells Merlin that he believes that Arthur is a noble man, and he's worth dying for.

Arthur then watches Gwaine go, saying what a shame it is that he can't be a knight.  Merlin says, maybe some day he will.  Their conversation is cut short when Arthur watches Gwaine speaking with Gwen and gets a bit upset.  Merlin then throws out, why would you care?  Great little moment of seeing the caring Arthur has for Gwen...through his jealousy.

Torchline.com: Facebook Recap of Merlin 3.04 Gwaine

Here's a preview of next week's episode--looks like we're getting back to the dark storyline...

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