Sunday, October 10, 2010

Supernatural Thus Far...

I'm very late on the Supernatural wagon.  I have friends that follow the show religiously, and I never even took the time to watch it.  That is until this past spring.  I was off work for a few weeks because of my shoulder surgery, and TNT shows 2 episodes of the first 4 seasons of the show, in order, every weekday.  I started watching, and I liked it.  Then when summer break came, I started watching again, and I got hooked.  A good friend brought over seasons 1-3 on DVD, and I watched them all in a matter of days.  Then I had to watch seasons 4 and 5, which I found online.  And now, thanks to a great sale at Costco, I own all 5 seasons.

Here are my thoughts thus far...

The 2 brothers Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) start off looking for their father and then get sucked into the "family business" of hunting monsters and spirits, and all things supernatural.  The dynamic between the 2 is great, and a huge part of why this show works.  It's not just a show about the scary things that go bump in the night, it's a show about a family that is broken, and needing to find it's way back--while hunting the things that go bump in the night.

Dean is the older brother, and he has already been hunting with his father, so he knows the ropes.  Sam is the family rebel, he wants a normal life, to go to college, get married, become a lawyer and pretend that all those things don't exist. So at the beginning of the series, Dean is clearly in charge.  Yet, over the 5 seasons we see Sam grow into his own, especially after getting high off drinking demon blood, and realizing the power that gives him.

Anyway, I'm not going into great detail about all the seasons and shows...that would take WAY too long.  But they so could have ended the show at season 2.  What a great wrap up to the story arch, I felt content and satisfied with the ending.  Of course, I'm not saying that I'm not happy there aren't more shows to watch, I'm just saying that the 2 part finale to season 2 would have made for an all around great ending.

Seasons 4 and 5 brought in the angel story arch and with it the impending Apocalypse.  I found this not as fun as the "monster of the week" storylines, but I did find it interesting.  Especially when Castiel (Misha Collins) joined the Winchester boys.  He brought some great humor to the mix, with his inability to understand idioms and sarcasm--I LOVE his voicemail outgoing message...why do you want me to state my name?  It's just too funny.

At the end of season 5 Sam had become the vessel for Lucifer and was able to take his body back, and save the world by jumping back into hell.  Dean, thinking that Sam was gone, did what Sam wanted him to do, to get out of hunting and go to the love of his life's house and start a life with her and her son.  But the final scene of the season was of Sam watching Dean in the house, with his new family.

So how did that happen??  How did Sam get out??  This is part of the story arch for the new season, clearly.

In season 6, we catch up with Dean 1 year later.  He has a job, a family, and lives like a normal person--though he does still do all the things to the house he needs to do to keep them safe from the things that he knows are out there.  Is he happy?  It seems like he is, in some ways.  But in others, it seems like something is missing from his life.

We are now 3 episodes in, Sam came and saved Dean from the Gin, and we find that Sam has picked up some new partners to hunt with in the year that they have been apart.  They are all family members on their mother's side--which we learn, have a long line of hunters.  His grandpa (Mitch Pileggi--who I will always see as Skinner) has suddenly returned from the dead.  We've seen him in past episodes, when Castiel has sent Dean back in time, in fact, we saw the yellow eyed demon kill him.  Why is he back?  This group of hunters doesn't seem to want to kill the creatures, but capture them.  In fact at the end of episode 2 we are left wondering who Grandpa is working for--as he explains to someone on the phone why they didn't get the shape shifter in custody.  So there is a story arch there.

2 episodes in and I was not that impressed with where the show was going.  I know they had to deal with the internal torment that Dean is going through...should he stay with his new family, yet always worried that something could come and hurt those he now loves or should he leave them to hunt and in turn keep them safe?  But it didn't have the same interest level as the previous seasons--I was getting scared that Supernatural had lost it's greatness.

Yet, in episode 3 we are given even more to work with.  Castiel returns and lets us know that there is an angel civil war happening and that all the weapons of heaven have been stolen.  Okay, now we are getting interesting.  They have a purpose again.

Here are the questions going through my mind at this point:  What's up with Grandpa?  Is he really who he says he is?  And Sam??  It must really be Sam, as wouldn't Castiel be able to tell if it were a demon or angel inside Sam?  But what has happened to him??  Has going to hell made him so cold and uncaring that he can watch a child be tortured??  Plus the Sam we know and love is NOT one that would go get a prostitute for a night of's almost as though Sam and Dean have switched roles.  Dean is now the caring, big hearted fellow.  He has a family, something to go back to, people to love.  While Sam is hard and is focused on having to do what he has to do to get the job done.  It's an interesting switch.

We shall see what the rest of the season holds.  I am glad that the third episode brought Castiel back in and that there is now purpose to their quest.  At the end of episode 3 and it looks like in the next episode, Dean starts to really question Sam, and why he's changed.  I am glad that Dean is noticing and bothered by it--maybe next week we'll have some answers.  I think the show is back on track...let's hope it stays there.

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