Sunday, December 5, 2010

Merlin Series 3 Episode 13: The Coming of Arthur Pt. 2--The Series Finale

After last week's episode of Merlin, I have been chomping at the bit to see the happenings of this week.  Just the preview got me pumped--Arthur's Knights of the Round Table coming together (including the return of Lancelot), Excalibur, The Lady of the Lake, the actual Round Table...WOW!!!  Oh and maybe the end of Morgana's evil smirks...since everyone knows she's a baddie now!

When we last saw Camelot, Morgause and Morgana used Cenred to create an invincible army--too bad he wasn't invincible.  Camelot had no chance.  Arthur, Merlin, and Gwaine (future knight of the Round Table, and friend of Merlin's) were left for dead, in the forest, by said army.  When they return to Camelot, they find that the town is over run.  They find Elyan (future knight of the Round Table, and Gwen's brother) in Gwen's house; she btw, has stated her loyalty to Morgana, but by the look on her face, it was just to survive.  They also find Gaius, hiding out in the closet of his chambers.  When they find King Uther, Arthur watches as Morgana is crowned queen, and announces her father is no other than Uther!  Good thing Arthur and Morgana never hooked up!

Here are my thoughts about part 2 (OMG, I'm so excited!):

- The suspense of the first moments is high!  I love Sir Leon (future knight of the Round Table)..."Long live the King!" so ready to stand for what he believes--and man has he been loyal through all 3 series.  Here Morgana truly shows she cares not for her people, but only the power that being Queen holds! 

- You can almost see Uther's heart breaking as Morgana tells him how much she hates him.

-Arthur looks lost and beaten down...poor guy, he's lost everything and on top of that, finding out that his dad has lied to him his whole life, again, and that he has a sister, who is also turned against the family.

-What does Gwen have up her sleeve??  Love that she is telling Morgana how she hates Uther because he killed her father, in order to meet with Sir Leon to convince him to support her...Go Gwen!

-Uh, no...maybe not...And again we see that Morgana has no heart at all, and she could careless about anyone else--even those that once stood by her side!  This is a flaw, I feel, I understand her coldness to Uther, but to all the other people that she grew up with and had been around her entire life??  There is nothing of the Morgana that was once there.  As much as I love the storyline here, I feel like this is rather unbelieveable.

-At this point, why isn't Merlin showing Arthur and Gwaine that he has magic?!  Wouldn't it help in this fight?!  It's not like Uther will have him killed now!

-Remember, Gwen's dad was a blacksmith.

-Freya!!!!  Or should I say the Lady of the Lake, perhaps??

-Man I love when the Great Dragon is on this show!

-Colin Morgan is amazing with showing emotion...I felt all that on the lake with him.

-Purple is a lovely color on Sir Leon! Hehehe!

-Great...we're not done with the Morgana evil smirks :(

-WHOA!!  Merlin with Excalibur can kick some ass!

-LANCELOT!!!!!!  Oh and he's brought a friend, Percival (future Knight of the Round Table) along with him!!

-The Round, seriously...the legend elements showing up like this is just exciting!  I do like the explanation that Arthur gives of the table...though we all know why it was round (so all are equal, and no man is in charge of the other), it's good to see Arthur becoming the King Arthur of the legends.

-Wow, to the scene where they all stand up to support Arthur, touching, really.  You can see the Knights of the Round Table coming together to become the grandness that we all know they will be.

-Tearing up to the knighting scene...rather powerful!

-Love that Lancelot knows Merlin's secret, and all he's done for Camelot.

-Aww...poor Lancelot.

-Loving the plan, the fighting, all of it!  Well, except that Merlin is the only one that can kill these immortal why can't he tell the others?  Why do they split up and not stay together, and put Merlin and Excalibur in the forefront of the fighting, so that they can win?

-Uther is a broken man.

-Why is Morgause SO much more powerful than Merlin?  Time?  Practice?

-"For the love of Camelot"  Go Arthur!

-Love seeing the Knights (most once commoners) riding into the courtyard with their flowing cloaks!

-Powerful to see Merlin put the sword in the stone!

WOW!!!  One of the best episodes!  I cannot wait to see what happens next much has been set up to align with the legends!  Plus, with Merlin and Gaius chatting about how they couldn't find any trace of Morgana or Morgause in the rubble, we know that they will more than likely return to cause more trouble for Camelot--hopefully no more evil Morgana smirks.  Maybe Mordred will make another appearance--though that little boy probably isn't so little anymore! Facebook Recaps: The Coming of Arthur Pt. 2

Merlin Series 3 will begin airing in the States on SyFy on Jan. 7th, 2011 at 10p--why it's on so late, I do not know.  Odd really, since it is more of a family show, you'd think they'd get more viewers if it was on at 8p or 9p.  I'm excited because I get to watch this series on a large television screen, as opposed to my laptop screen!  I am guessing that Series 4 will begin airing on BBC sometime in the fall of 2011...there have also been talks of specials and a series 5!  So happy, as I LOVE this show! :)

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