Friday, January 7, 2011

Merlin is Back in the States!!

Tonight, Friday, January 7th, Season 3 of Merlin begins airing here in the states!!  I have seen the season and it starts off with a bang and though some of the episodes this season are silly and really not needed, it all leads to an amazing season finale that leaves you wanting so much more!!  Throughout the season we meet more fellows that we know later will be Knights of the Round Table, we also see an older Merlin (the one we are used to), as well as so much more!!!  I highly suggest watching this season!  If you need a catch up,  they are playing season 2 all day today--it is also available on DVD on January 18th.

I think that I will repost my Merlin posts as the season airs here...maybe.

Merlin is shown in the States on SyFy, Fridays at 10p (though I think it should be on earlier to get the younger crowd and families that the show is meant for).

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